In this article, you will find relevant information and guidelines on how to start your studies with PG Play and Practice:
- What is Proving Grounds?
- Select a connection method
- Connecting through Kali
- Connecting through VPN
- Next steps
What is Proving Grounds?
OffSec Proving Grounds (PG) Play and Practice is a modern network for practicing penetration testing skills on exploitable, real-world vectors. With PG Play, learners will receive three daily hours of free, dedicated access to the VulnHub community generated Linux machines. A subscription to PG Practice includes all the features of PG Play plus additional Windows and Linux machines developed by OffSec experts with unlimited time on any targets.
Select a connection method
There are two ways to connect to PG machines: in-browser Kali or VPN. You can select your connection type at the left side menu.
STEP 1: Start Kali Linux and a PG machine
NOTE: Please read the Rules of the game before you start.
To access Proving Grounds Play / Practice, you may select the "Labs" menu under the "Explore button".
Select a machine from the list by hovering over the machine name. Machine details will be displayed, along with a play button. Click on the play button or machine name to start.
A new screen will be displayed while Kali Linux and your selected PG machine are loading. Once complete, in-browser Kali Linux will open.
STEP 2: Complete a machine
To complete a machine, you will need to find and submit one or two flags (depending on the machine). To submit a flag, select the Flags button in the upper toolbar, and submit the flag in the window.
STEP 3: Return to control panel
To close Kali Linux and return to the control panel, press the X in the upper toolbar.
Note: You can find Kali's default credentials here.
STEP 1: Connect to the VPN
NOTE: Please read the Rules of the game before you start.
You need VPN to access all PG machines. Start by downloading and installing your VPN connection pack by clicking the VPN button.
Once your VPN pack is installed, connect to your VPN. If you have connected successfully, you will see a green indicator next to the VPN button.
STEP 2: Start a machine
To access the machines, select the machine icon next to the VPN connection button. This will present the list of machines available for the selected product (Play or Practice).
To the right of each machine, you will find a set of commands. Press the start button to start a machine.
Once a machine is started, the IP address will appear next to the machine name, and the start button will change to a stop button. Use the IP address to access the machine.
If you need to revert a machine, use the revert command to the right of the start button. You can only revert a machine after you have started it.
Press the three dots button to access the following features: Notes, Hints, Walkthrough, Rate, and Feedback.
STEP 3: Complete a machine
To complete a machine, you will need to find and submit one or two flags (depending on the machine). To submit a flag, select the third button in the list of commands, and submit the flag in the pop-up window.
Next Steps
If you have any further questions, visit the Help Center by clicking Help in the upper right corner of the control panel.
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