Welcome to OffSec WEB-200! We are delighted to offer a customized learning plan designed to support your learning journey and ultimately enhance your preparedness for the Offensive Security Web Assessor (OSWA) certification.
The Learning Plan comprises a week-by-week journey, which includes a recommended studying approach, estimated learning hours, course topics to focus on, topic labs, capstone labs, and challenge labs to complete, as well as supplemental materials to reinforce your learning (if you so choose).
NOTE: A downloadable PDF version of the plan can be found at the end of this article.
Active OffSec WEB-200 holders can also access the OffSec Academy: OSA-WEB-200 recorded videos, which offer comprehensive guidance and lab concept demonstrations from our Academy Instructors to reinforce the learning objectives. These videos serve as a valuable resource to gain a deeper understanding of the material and enhance preparedness for the OSWA exam or to reinforce your learning. You can locate the recorded videos in the OffSec Learning Platform (OLP).
Our OffSec Mentors also play a valuable role in providing guidance and support to you by facilitating dedicated OffSec Discord channels. Through these channels, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other learners, ask questions, and build relationships to gain a deeper understanding of the WEB-200 material and methodology. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this resource and actively engage with our Mentors throughout your learning journey. Click here to join the OffSec Discord server and find answers to more frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Should you encounter technical issues or have questions about VPN connections, lab access, navigating the OffSec Learning Platform, or any other related matters, our 24/7 OffSec Technical Service Team is available to assist you. Please click here to contact us.
Getting Ready
To help you prepare for WEB-200, please see the quick reference guide that will assist you in getting started with the OffSec Learning Platform (OLP) and enhance your learning experience.
Please see our Course Start Guide for further onboarding details.
Learning Plan - 24 Week
Jump to Week: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Week 1
Overview and Study Approach |
The topics covered this week serve as an introduction to the course material and will help familiarize the various tools that allow us to enumerate and test web applications.
Learning Topics |
1.) 2.1. Getting Started 2.) 2.2. Burp Suite 3.) 2.3. Nmap 4.) 2.4. Wordlists |
Labs |
2.2.6. Practice - Extra Mile 2.3.2. Practice - Extra Mile |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 2
Overview and Study Approach | This week will continue introducing the various tools that are used by security professionals when testing web applications. |
Learning Topics | 1.) 2.5. Gobuster 2.) 2.6. Wfuzz 3.) 2.7. Hakrawler 4.) 2.8. Shells |
Labs | 2.6.6. Practice - Extra Mile 2.8.4. Practice - Extra Mile |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 3
Overview and Study Approach | This week provides an introduction to Cross-site scripting attacks. It will showcase the various types of XSS and how these vulnerabilities can be identified in web applications. |
Learning Topics | 1) Cross-Site Scripting Introduction and Discovery |
Labs | 3.2.2. Practice - Useful APIs 3.3.1. Practice - Reflected Server XSS 3.3.2. Practice - Stored Server XSS 3.3.3. Practice - Reflected Client XSS 3.3.4. Practice - Stored Client XSS |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 4 & 5
Overview and Study Approach | In these 2 weeks we will continue our exploration of cross-site scripting attacks, focusing specifically on the various payloads and malicious actions that can be executed by attackers once they have identified XSS vulnerabilities. |
Learning Topics | 1) Cross-Site Scripting Exploitation and Case Study |
Labs | 4.1.3. Practice - Stealing Session Cookies 4.1.4. Practice - Stealing Local Secrets 4.1.5. Practice - Keylogging 4.1.6. Practice - Stealing Saved Passwords 4.1.7 Practice - Phishing Users |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 20 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 6
Overview and Study Approach | This week introduces the policies that web browsers adhere to, specifically the Same-Origin Policy (SOP) and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). We will also review various attacks that exploit vulnerabilities related to these policies. |
Learning Topics | 1) Cross-Origin Attacks |
Labs | 5.4.1. Practice - Accessing Apache OFBiz 5.4.4. Practice - Extra Mile 5.6.1. Practice - Weak CORS Policies - Discovery 5.6.2. Practice - Trusting Any Origin 5.6.3. Practice - Improper Domain Allowlist |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Videos: N/A Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 7
Overview and Study Approach | This week will focus on the SQL syntax for the most commonly employed database software. The module will also review how we can enumerate these databases to obtain information on their structure. |
Learning Topics | 1) Introduction to SQL |
Labs | 6.1.1. Practice - Basic SQL Syntax 6.2.1. Practice - MySQL Specific Functions and Tables 6.3.1. Practice - Microsoft SQL Server Specific Functions and Tables 6.4.1. Practice - PostgreSQL Specific Functions and Tables 6.5.1. Practice - Oracle Specific Tables |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 8 & 9
Overview and Study Approach | The next 2 weeks will utilize the knowledge acquired in the week prior to explore the process of exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities. We will review how to identify SQLi vulnerabilities as well as the various payloads we can use to exploit these vulnerabilities. |
Learning Topics | 1) SQL Injection |
Labs | 7.1.1. Practice - What is SQL Injection? 7.2.1. Practice - String Delimiters 7.2.2. Practice - Closing Out Strings and Functions 7.2.3. Practice - Sorting 7.2.4. Practice - Boundary Testing 7.2.5. Practice - Fuzzing 7.3.1. Practice - Error-based Payloads 7.3.2. Practice - UNION-based Payloads 7.3.3. Practice - Stacked Queries 7.3.4. Practice - Reading and Writing Files 7.3.5. Practice - Remote Code Execution 7.3.6. Practice - Extra Miles 7.4.1. Practice - SQLMap 7.5.1. Practice - Accessing Piwigo 7.5.2. Practice - Discovering the Vulnerable Parameter 7.5.3. Practice - Exploiting Error-based SQL Injection |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 20 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 10
Overview and Study Approach | This week will focus on how to identify and exploit Directory Traversal vulnerabilities. |
Learning Topics | 1) Directory Traversal Attacks |
Labs | 8.3.2. Practice - Extra Mile I 8.3.4. Practice - Extra Mile II 8.4.2. Practice - Evidence of Directory Listing 8.5.3. Practice - Fuzzing the Path Parameter 8.6.2. Practice - Exploitation 8.6.3. Practice - Extra Mile |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Videos: N/A Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 11
Overview and Study Approach | This week will introduce XML entities and how to exploit XML External Entity vulnerabilities. |
Learning Topics | 1) XML External Entities |
Labs | 9.4.3. Practice - Exploitation 9.4.4. Practice - Error-Based Exploitation 9.4.5. Practice - Out-of-Band Exploitation |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Videos: N/A Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 12 & 13
Overview and Study Approach | These 2 weeks will introduce various templating engines commonly employed by web applications. The module will then demonstrate how these templating engines can be exploited if they are not used properly. |
Learning Topics | 1) Server-side Template Injection - Discovery and Exploitation |
Labs | 10.2.1. Practice - Twig - Discovery 10.2.2. Practice - Twig - Exploitation 10.3.1. Practice - Freemarker - Discovery 10.3.2. Practice - Freemarker - Exploitation 10.4.1. Practice - Pug - Exploitation 10.4.2. Practice - Pug - Exploitation 10.5.1. Practice - Jinja - Exploitation 10.5.2. Practice - Jinja - Exploitation 10.6.1. Practice - Mustache and Handlebars - Exploitation 10.6.2. Practice - Mustache and Handlebars - Exploitation 10.7.1. Practice - Accessing Halo 10.7.2. Practice - Halo - Translation and Discovery 10.7.3. Practice - Halo - Exploitation 10.7.4. Practice - Extra Mile 10.8.1. Practice - Accessing Craft CMS 10.8.2. Practice - Craft CMS with Sprout Forms - Discovery 10.8.3. Practice - Craft CMS with Sprout Forms - Exploitation |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 20 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 14 & 15
Overview and Study Approach | As we continue to focus on privilege escalation, this week we will cover the techniques and exploits that enable successful privilege escalation on the Linux system. |
Learning Topics | 1) Command Injection |
Labs | 11.1.4. Practice - About the Chaining of Commands & System Calls 11.2.2. Practice - Typical Input Sanitization - Blocklisted Strings Bypass 11.2.4. Practice - Extra Mile 11.3.2. Practice - Obtaining a Shell - Netcat 11.3.3. Practice - Obtaining a Shell - Python 11.3.4. Practice - Obtaining a Shell - Node.js 11.3.5. Practice - Obtaining a Shell - Php 11.3.6. Practice - Obtaining a Shell - Perl 11.3.7. Practice - File Transfer 11.3.8. Practice - Extra Mile I 11.3.10. Practice - Extra Mile II 11.4.3. Practice - Exploitation |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 20 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 16
Overview and Study Approach | This week will introduce SSRF attacks and how they can be used to access services and hosts that are not publicly accessible. |
Learning Topics | 1) Server-side Request Forgery |
Labs | 12.2.3. Practice - Calling Home to Kali 12.3.1. Practice - Retrieving Data 12.3.2. Practice - Instance Metadata in Cloud 12.3.3. Practice - Bypassing Authentication in Microservices 12.3.4. Practice - Alternative URL Schemes 12.3.5. Practice - Extra Mile 12.4.1. Practice - Accessing Group Office 12.4.2. Practice - Discovering the SSRF Vulnerabilities 12.4.3. Practice - Exploiting the SSRF Vulnerabilities |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 17
Overview and Study Approach | This week will introduce IDOR vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited. |
Learning Topics | 1) Insecure Direct Object Referencing |
Labs | 13.2.1. Practice - Accessing The IDOR Sandbox Application 13.2.2. Practice - Exploiting Static File IDOR 13.2.3. Practice - Exploiting ID-Based IDOR 13.2.4. Practice - Exploiting More Complex IDOR 13.2.5. Practice - Extra Mile |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Relevant Labs: N/A |
Week 18
Overview and Study Approach | This week will demonstrate the full enumeration and exploitation process of the Asio lab machine. This will reinforce the methodology and thought process professional pen testers use when testing web applications. We will also provide an outline on how to exploit the remaining WEB 200 lab machines. |
Learning Topics | 1) Assembling the Pieces |
Labs | N/A |
Estimate Time (Hours) | 10 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Videos: N/A Relevant Labs: Asio |
Week 19 - 24
Overview and Study Approach | The aim of the last 6 weeks is to simulate an exam environment and assess your preparedness while identifying any areas that may require further attention. The learner should attempt to complete any of the provided Web 200 Challenge Labs. |
Learning Topics | None |
Labs |
Challenge Labs:
Estimate Time (Hours) | 60 |
Supplemental Learning* |
Videos: N/A Relevant Labs: N/A |
*Note: the Supplemental Learning section described above offers an opportunity to enhance your understanding of the specific topics covered during the assigned week. They are Supplemental Learning and are not required.