When purchasing a Learn One Subscription or a Course & Cert Exam Bundle you will be allowed to select your preferred course path (i.e. PEN-200).
- New students will be asked to choose a course prior during the first step of the registration.
- Existing learners, who purchase through the Buy More option of the OffSec learning Platform, have the ability to purchase the subscription or course bundle first and choose their course after submitting the payment.
- If you have an active Learn One subscription, purchasing a Course bundle won't allow you to select the same course as your Learn One primary course. However, selecting a different course is permissible.
- The course selection is independent of your access start date. If you delay selecting a course past your access start date, you are forfeiting the time elapsed between your scheduled access start time and the moment you selected your course. This time is not refundable and cannot be compensated.